Should I Dye My Hair Pink or Purple? [Guide & My Experience]

Should I dye my hair pink or purple?

Welcome, curious souls, to the realm of vibrant self-expression and captivating hair transformations. 

In this post, we shall delve into the enchanting question that has lingered in your mind: Should I dye my hair pink or purple? 

I have dyed my hair both pink and purple several times during the past few years, and today, I’m going to help you to get the answer you so desperately need!


Quick Answer

To choose between pink and purple hair dyes, use filters on social media platforms to see how purple and pink hair colors look on you, and create a mood board to gather inspiration and determine which hue speaks to you the most. Additionally, try temporary hair dyes to test out each color and assess how they suit your style and preferences before making a permanent decision.

Table of Contents

Is Dyeing My Hair Pink or Purple a Bad Idea?

Embracing the idea of dyeing your hair pink or purple is far from a bad idea. In fact, it opens the doors to a world of self-expression, creativity, and individuality. 

As a seasoned fantasy hair dye expert, I can assure you that these shades can be transformative, allowing you to make a bold statement and showcase your unique style, so don’t be afraid to take the leap.


How Do I Know if Pink Hair Will Suit Me?

My favorite pink hair products are from Manic Panic.

I think everyone can pull off pink hair, but if you are wondering whether the color will suit you or not, there are three fundamental things to consider:

  • Undertone Evaluation: Consider your skin’s undertones when choosing a pink hair color. If you have cool undertones, opt for pink shades with blue or purple undertones, such as bubblegum pink or magenta. If you have warm undertones, warmer pink tones like peachy or coral hues may be more flattering.
  • Eye Color Enhancement: Assess how different shades of pink hair can enhance your eye color. For those with blue or green eyes, pastel or dusty rose shades can create a captivating contrast. If you have brown or hazel eyes, vibrant or deep pink hues like fuchsia or raspberry can beautifully complement your eye color.
  • Confidence and Personal Style: Pink hair can be a bold and empowering choice. Consider your personal style and level of confidence in carrying off a vibrant hair color. If you’re naturally drawn to playful, edgy, or whimsical aesthetics, pink hair can be a natural extension of your personality and style.


How Do I Know if Purple Hair Will Suit Me?

When it comes to purple, Arctic Fox Purple Colors are sensational! If you are wondering whether they’ll suit you or not, consider the following:

  • Consider Your Hair Color: Take into account your current hair color when choosing a shade of purple. If you have lighter hair, such as blonde or light brown, you may have more flexibility to experiment with a range of purple shades, from pastels to deeper tones. If you have darker hair, keep in mind that achieving a vibrant purple may require pre-lightening or bleaching for the color to show up as desired.
  • Personality and Style Reflection: Purple hair often exudes a sense of creativity, individuality, and mystique. Consider how these qualities align with your personality and style. If you’re naturally drawn to a bohemian or unconventional aesthetic, purple hair can complement and amplify your unique sense of self-expression.
  • Impact of Lighting: Keep in mind that lighting can affect the appearance of purple hair. In natural or well-lit environments, purple hair tends to appear more vibrant and eye-catching. Indoors or under low lighting conditions, the color may appear darker or subtler. Consider how the lighting in your daily environment may influence your desired purple hair look.


pink or purple hair color



What Skin Tone Looks Best With Purple or Pink Hair?

Both purple and pink hair can complement a range of skin tones. Here are some general guidelines to consider, but read this carefully: your skin tones should NOT determine your hair color decision.

Everyone can dye their hair the color they want! Either way, this is what colorimetry says to us:

Purple Hair:

  1. Cool Undertones: If you have cool undertones, shades of purple with blue or violet undertones tend to complement your complexion. Think lavender, lilac, or cooler-toned purples like periwinkle or icy violet. These hues can beautifully harmonize with fair or light skin tones with cool undertones, creating a delicate and ethereal look.
  2. Warm Undertones: If you have warm undertones, deeper and richer shades of purple, like plum, eggplant, or burgundy, can create a striking contrast against your warm complexion. These warm-toned purples can enhance medium to deep skin tones with warm undertones, adding depth and intensity to your overall look.


Pink Hair:

  1. Cool Undertones: Pink hair shades with cool undertones, such as cotton candy pink, bubblegum pink, or cool-toned rose, tend to flatter those with cool undertones in their skin. These colors create a harmonious and complementary effect, especially with fair or light complexions with cool undertones.
  2. Warm Undertones: Warmer shades of pink, like coral or peachy hues, can beautifully compliment warm undertones in the skin. These warm-toned pinks can add a touch of vibrancy and warmth to medium to deep skin tones with warm undertones.


What to Consider Before Dyeing Your Hair Pink or Purple

Not everything that shines is gold. There are three things to consider before dyeing your hair pink or purple.

1. Hair Health and Condition Assessment: Assess the health and condition of your hair before dyeing it pink or purple. Ensure your hair is in good condition to minimize potential damage from the bleaching or lightening process required to achieve vibrant shades. Consult with a professional hairstylist to determine if your hair is ready and get advice on preparing it for the dyeing process.

2. Maintenance and Upkeep Considerations: Both pink and purple hair require regular maintenance to keep the color looking vibrant. Schedule touch-up appointments or perform DIY color refreshing to maintain the intensity of your chosen shade. Use color-safe hair care products, minimize heat styling, and protect your hair from sun exposure and chlorine to prolong the longevity of the color.

3. Choosing the Right Hair Dye Products: Select high-quality hair dye products specifically formulated for vibrant, long-lasting colors. Research reputable brands known for their effectiveness and wide range of pink or purple shades. Consider recommendations from professionals or trusted sources when choosing the right product for your hair type and desired color.


How to Choose Between Pink and Purple Hair Dye: 3 Tips

Now, the moment of truth – let’s determine whether you will dye your hair purple or pink. These three tips will help you a lot!


1. Mood Board Magic

Create two separate mood boards—one for pink and one for purple. Collect images, photos, and inspiration related to each color. Pay attention to the emotions, vibes, and overall aesthetic that each color evokes for you. 

Analyze the mood boards and see which one resonates with your desired look and personal style. Let your intuition guide you based on the visual representation of each color.


2. Temporary Test Run

If you’re unsure about committing to a permanent hair color, try temporary options for both pink and purple. This could involve using temporary hair chalks, washable sprays, or even wigs in each color. 

Wear each color for a day or two and observe how it makes you feel. Take note of the compliments you receive, how it complements your outfits, and whether it aligns with your personality and self-expression. This hands-on experience can help you make a confident decision.


3. Use Instagram and TikTok Filters

I love Instagram and TikTok filters! They look amazing! The TikTok filter I use is this one: Hair Colors. This filter entirely changes your hair and you can see whether it suits you or not. To use other TikTok and IG filters and effects, do the following:

  1. Search for “hair color” or “virtual hair try-on” filters in the Effects Gallery.
  2. Try on different shades using the front-facing camera and save or bookmark your favorites.
  3. Take screenshots or record videos to compare and make an informed decision.
  4. Explore TikTok’s “hair dye” filters and experiment with different effects.
  5. Record videos or take selfies to see how the colors complement your features!


Bonus: Send Me a Message and I’ll Help You!

Struggling to choose between purple and pink? I can give you my professional advice!

I understand the intricacies and nuances that come with these captivating shades. Allow me to be your guide as you embark on this magical journey of self-expression!

Whether you’re seeking advice on the best shade of pink or purple to suit your skin tone, recommendations for high-quality hair dye brands, or tips on maintaining and caring for your vibrant locks, I’m here to assist you every step of the way.

So, don’t hesitate to reach out and send me a message. I’ll be more than delighted to share my knowledge, answer your questions, and provide personalized guidance tailored to your unique needs and aspirations.

Go to Fantasy Hair Lover’s Contact Page and you will find my personal email there.


What Pink or Purple Hair Dye Brand Should I Use?

There are several hair dye brands in the market, but introduce you to three marvelous options: Pravana, Manic Panic, and Arctic Fox. Prepare to be enchanted by the wonders each brand has to offer.

These are my personal choices for sure.



pravana pink


Let’s try Pravana, a brand that has earned its place in the realm of professional hair dye. Pravana boasts a wide range of vibrant pink and purple shades that can transform your locks into a mesmerizing masterpiece. 

manic panic cotton candy pink product

Manic Panic

Next, we encounter Manic Panic, a legendary brand that has ignited the hearts of rebellious souls and fantasy hair enthusiasts alike. With their iconic packaging and extensive selection of pink and purple shades, Manic Panic has become a staple in the realm of vibrant hair colors. I love Manic Panic Cotton Candy Pink!

arctic fox space cowgirl product photo

Arctic Fox

Let’s delve into the realm of Arctic Fox, a brand known for its captivating and ethereal hues. With a mission to provide bold and beautiful hair colors while minimizing environmental impact, Arctic Fox offers an enchanting array of pink and purple shades. 

Fantasy Recap: Should I Dye My Hair Pink or Purple?

As we conclude this captivating journey through the world of pink and purple hair, let us revel in the boundless possibilities that await those who dare to embrace the extraordinary. 

Whether you choose the playful allure of pink or the mysterious charm of purple, remember that the true magic lies within your confidence and self-expression. 

Now, go forth and paint the world with your colorful spirit!


What Color Will Pink Hair Fade To?

Pink hair typically fades to a lighter, softer version of the original shade. Vibrant pink may fade to a pastel pink or light blush tone, while lighter shades may fade to a near-white or pale blonde hue. The fading outcome depends on factors like the initial shade, hair dye brand, and maintenance.

Will I Pull off Purple Hair?

Whether you’ll pull off purple hair depends on factors like your skin tone, eye color, and personal style. Cooler shades like lavender suit those with cooler undertones, while warmer shades like plum compliment warm undertones. Purple can make certain eye colors pop, and embracing the creative and mysterious qualities of purple hair aligns with a bold personal style. Ultimately, the decision depends on your confidence and individual preferences.