How to Treat Hair Dye in Eye [3 Steps & My Experience]

How to Treat Hair Dye in Eye

It’s always important to be extremely cautious when it comes to dyeing your hair at home.

Many accidents can happen, and beyond hair dye allergies, there are certain things that you should watch out for.

Once, I accidentally got hair dye in my eye. Luckily, it was just a little bit, but I must confess that I panicked.

Let’s learn how to treat hair dye in eye at home in case this happens to you, so buckle up!


Quick Answer

You can treat hair dye in your eyes by immediately washing your eyes for 15 minutes straight in the sink, using a saline solution in your eyes, and urgently going to the doctor in case the pain in your eyes persists.

Table of Contents

Are Hair Dye or Bleach Harmful to the Eyes?

My mom always said that the eyes are the windows to the soul! While hair dye and bleach can transform your locks into fabulous shades of pink, blue, or platinum blonde, they can also be quite harmful to your eyes – that’s a fact.

Imagine your eyes are like delicate, beautiful flowers, and hair dye and bleach are like a harsh storm. Just as a storm can damage and uproot flowers, hair dye and bleach can cause serious harm to your eyes if not handled properly.

The chemicals in hair dye and bleach can irritate and burn the eyes, causing redness, itching, and even temporary vision loss. So yes, hair dye or bleach is dangerous for the eyes, and you should always beware of these dangers.

Why Does My Eye Hurt After Dying Hair?

If you are dyeing your hair with permanent hair dyes, you must prevent the chemicals from getting into direct contact with your eyes.

If, by any chance, your eyes hurt after dying your hair, then this happens due to three reasons:

  1. Hair dye contains harsh chemicals that can be irritating to the eyes, causing redness, itching, and temporary vision loss.
  2. Fumes from the hair dye can also cause eye irritation and discomfort, especially in poorly ventilated areas.
  3. Accidentally touching your eye with your hands while applying the hair dye can cause further irritation and pain, as the chemicals in hair dye can be harmful to the delicate tissues of the eye.

Can Hair Dye Cause Lasting Eye Problems?

Sadly, yes, but in very rare cases. Hair dye products can cause damage to the cornea, which is the clear layer that covers the front of your eye. 

This can lead to painful corneal abrasions, infections, and in severe cases, permanent damage to your vision.

Furthermore, if hair dye or bleach accidentally gets into your eyes, it can cause a chemical reaction that could make the situation worse. 

That’s why it’s crucial to take every precaution to protect your eyes, including wearing protective eyewear, applying the products carefully and accurately, and thoroughly washing your hands and tools after use.

What to Do if Hair Dye Gets in Eye?

I have only gotten hair dye in my eyes once, but after that awful experience, I have crafted a path to follow in case this happens to me again:

  1. Act as fast as you can.
  2. Use saline solution.
  3. Hope for the best and go to the doctor if required. Let me elaborate further!

how to treat hair dye in eyes

How to Treat Hair Dye in Eye: 3 Steps

When hair dye gets in your eyes, you need to act fast. If someone you know has gotten hair dye in their eyes, then follow these quick three steps to solve this problem as soon as possible.

Step 1: Immediately Rinse Your Eye with Water

Rinse your eyes with water for at least 15 minutes straight. The chemicals on the hair dye will cause irritation, but you need to clean your eyes to wash out as many hair dye products as possible.

Use a gentle stream of water, and don’t stop washing your eyes – this step is CRUCIAL!

Step 2: Use Saline Solution for the Eyes

If your eyes still hurt after washing them, then use a saline solution but only after washing your eyes for 15 minutes.

Finding or buying sterile eye wash or saline solutions is pretty easy in every pharmacy, and these products are quite safe for everyone to use.

Step 3: Look for Medical Attention

If you followed the previously mentioned 2 steps, and still feel discomfort in your eyes, then it is time to see a doctor.

Do not rub your eyes – have some patience and wait for the doctors to help you out. 

Doctors will know exactly what to do. The next time you work with hair dye, wear protective eyewear or goggles!

My Story: I Accidentally Got Hair Dye in My Eye!

Let me tell you a story about the time I, Andrea Miranda, experienced a hair dye disaster firsthand. My hair was a little bit dirty, so it was the perfect time to dye it purple.

As I was applying the semi-permanent hair dye, I accidentally got some in my eyes. At first, I thought it was no big deal and just blinked a few times, but then my eyes started to hurt like crazy! I mean, it felt like my eyes were on fire, and I was starting to panic a bit.

Thankfully, I knew exactly what to do. I quickly rushed over to the sink and started rinsing my eyes with water for what felt like an eternity (but was actually just 15 minutes). 

I was so relieved to see that it was just a semi-permanent hair dye and not the permanent kind. Phew, that was a close one!

But the pain didn’t completely go away, and my eyes were still feeling pretty irritated. So, I decided to use some saline solution to help soothe my eyes. I gently flushed my eyes with the solution and waited for a few minutes.

And you know what? The pain finally went away! I was so relieved and grateful that I had some saline solution on hand. After that experience, I made sure to always keep a bottle of saline solution nearby whenever I’m dyeing my hair.

Lesson learned: accidents can happen, even to hair dye experts like me. But with a little bit of quick thinking and some saline solution, any hair dye disaster can be quickly and easily fixed.

Fantasy Recap: Hair Dye in Eye Treatment

If you are dyeing your hair at home, I strongly recommend you have a saline solution at hand, or use goggles while dyeing your hair.

In short, while hair dye and bleach can do wonders for your hair, they can be harmful to your eyes if not handled with care. So, always be mindful when using these products and take steps to protect your eyes from potential harm. After all, your eyes are a precious gift, and it’s essential to take care of them as best you can.


How Long Does Hair Dye Reaction in Eyes Last?

It depends – in my experience, the reaction can last from 30 minutes to 1 hour for small irritations, and several days if the situation is serious.

Can Hair Dye Cause Glaucoma?

There is currently no scientific evidence to suggest that hair dye can cause glaucoma, a condition that affects the optic nerve and can lead to vision loss. I couldn’t find strong evidence to support this, and I have surely heard about someone with glaucoma for dyeing their hair.