How to Tell if Hair Dye Is Warm or Cool [2023 Hair Color Guide]

how to tell if hair dye is warm or cool

Is your hair color warm or cool? More importantly – do you want a new hair dye with a warm color, or a cool color?

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then do not despair! There are thousands of hair dye colors to choose from!

In this guide, I’ll teach you how to tell if hair dye is warm or cool by following a couple of tips that you’ll surely like.



Quick Answer

You can know if a hair dye color is warm or cool by checking the nature of the color. Warm colors are related to red tones, whereas cool colors are more related to green undertones. Keep reading this guide to check which color suits you the most!

Table of Contents

Warm Hair Color vs. Cool Hair Color: Overview

Warm hair colors are described as shades that exude warmth and radiance, such as golden blondes, rich coppers, and fiery reds. 

These colors often have a golden or red undertone that gives the hair a sunny, luminous glow. Think of warm hair colors as the perfect complement to a summer day or a cozy fireplace on a chilly winter evening.

On the other hand, cool hair colors are those that give off a cool, sophisticated vibe, such as ash blondes, icy platinum, and cool brunettes. 

These colors tend to have blue or green undertones that give the hair a chic, polished look. Cool hair colors are like a breath of fresh air on a hot summer day or the perfect accessory to a sleek, modern outfit.


Why Is It Important to Know if Your Hair Color Is Warm or Cool

I can tell you that knowing if your hair color is warm or cool is like having the key to unlock a whole new world of hair possibilities! 

The color of your hair can greatly affect the overall look and feel of your hairstyle, so it’s essential to understand the undertones in your hair and how they interact with different hair colors.

By knowing whether your hair color is warm or cool, you can choose hair colors that work in harmony with your natural coloring, resulting in a stunning, cohesive hairstyle that brings out the best in you. 

Plus, understanding warm and cool hair colors can help you experiment with new hair colors and discover exciting new looks that you may not have considered before.


How to Tell if Hair Dye is Warm or Cool: 3 Tips

So, how do you tell if your hair is warm or cool? This is the base for understanding the best hair dye that will suit you the most!

There are three tips that I encourage you to follow to tell if a hair dye is warm or cool.


1. Check Your Skin Tones

One of the easiest ways to determine if your hair color is warm or cool is by looking at the undertones in your skin.

If you have warm undertones (yellow, peach, or golden), you’ll likely have warm-toned hair. If you have cool undertones (pink, red, or blue), you’ll likely have cool-toned hair. It’s really simple!


2. Look at Your Veins

Another way to determine your undertones is to check the veins on the inside of your wrist. If they appear greenish, you likely have warm undertones. If they appear bluish or purple, you likely have cool undertones.


3. Consider Your Natural Hair Color 

Lastly, consider the natural color of your hair. If your hair is naturally warm-toned (e.g., red, copper, or gold), you likely have warm undertones. 

If your hair is naturally cool-toned (for instance, ash blonde, platinum, or jet black), you likely have cool undertones. Keep in mind that this is just a general guideline, and you may have exceptions to this rule.

By using these tips, you can get a better understanding of your hair’s undertones and choose hair colors that work in harmony with your natural coloring. 



how to know if hair dye is warm or cool

Is My Hair Color Warm or Cool? Quick Quiz

You now know if a hair dye color is warm or cool, but what color should you choose? There are four questions that you can ask yourself to determine the best hair color style that will suit you.

1. What’s my favorite season? If you love the warmth and energy of summer, you might have warm-toned hair, while if you prefer the cool, crisp air of autumn, you might have cool-toned hair. If you really like going to the beach, don’t forget to protect dyed hair from saltwater

2. What color jewelry do I usually wear? If you find yourself gravitating towards gold and bronze tones, your hair color is likely warm-toned. If you prefer silver and white gold, your hair color is likely cool-toned.

3. What colors make me feel confident and beautiful? If you love the way you look in warm shades like reds, oranges, and yellows, your hair color is likely warm-toned. If you prefer cooler shades like blues, greens, and purples, your hair color is likely cool-toned.

4. What’s my natural hair color? If your hair is naturally warm-toned (e.g., red, copper, or golden blonde), you likely have warm-toned hair. If your hair is naturally cool-toned (e.g., ash blonde, platinum, or jet black), you likely have cool-toned hair.

Fantasy Recap: How to Tell if Hair Color Is Cool or Warm

In my opinion, both warm and cool hair colors can be stunning, and the choice between the two depends on personal preference, skin tone, and hair type. 

As a hair dye professional, I always recommend consulting with your stylist to determine which hair color will best enhance your natural beauty and reflect your unique style.

At the end of the day, remember that the choice will always be yours!


Does Hair Color Go With Skin Tone?

Yes, hair color can complement or clash with your skin tone, just like certain clothing colors can. Choosing a hair color that works well with your skin tone can help bring out your natural beauty and make you feel more confident. Creative experimentation with different hair colors can help you discover which tones work best for you.

How Do I Know What Shade to Dye My Hair?

Choosing the right hair color is a personal choice and depends on many factors, such as skin tone, eye color, and personal style. To determine the best shade to dye your hair, consider your natural hair color, lifestyle, and the look you want to achieve.