How to Know if Hair Dye Is Working [3 Signs & Tips]

how to know if hair dye is working

Oh, hair dye, the magical elixir that can transform your look in a matter of hours! What might sound like an obvious thing to some, is a big mystery to others – if you are a newbie in the fantasy hair color world, then you certainly need guidance while dyeing your hair.

Most times, you can tell if your hair dye is working naturally – there are no special or complex steps required, but this isn’t always the case.

Today, Fantasy Hair Lovers will show you how to know if hair dye is working by following three clear signs.


Quick Answer

You can tell if hair dye is not working by slightly removing the dye from your hair tips with your finger and checking the color below. Also, if you feel a slight sensation on your scalp, then the dye is certainly working. Remember to always follow the instructions carefully.

Table of Contents

Does Hair Dye Take Time to Show Up?

Does hair dye really take time to show up? Let me explain this based on my experience with hair dyes: hair dye can take time to show up depending on many different factors, such as the color of your hair, the type of dye, and the overall hair condition you have.

Hair dye penetrates your hair shaft to deposit color molecules through chemical processes. These processes take time unless your hair is completely bleached out. 

For instance, if you have black hair and try to rock a fabulous purple hair look, then it will take longer than if you have blonde hair and want to transform it to, let’s say, pink.

Luckily, hair dye is a patient friend, and although it sometimes takes a while to show up, all you need is patience and imagination.

How Long Does It Take for Hair Dye to Show?

This is a question that we all have when we are dyeing our hair for the first time – how long does it take for hair dye to show? 

I must say that the amount of time it takes for hair dye to show varies depending on several factors, such as the type of hair dye, your hair’s natural color, and the texture of your hair. 

Generally speaking, if you’re going for a darker color, you may notice the change in as little as 10 to 15 minutes. However, if you’re aiming for a lighter color, it could take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.

This means that, in general, hair dye takes between 10 and 60 minutes to show, but then again, it totally depends on the product type, color, and general condition of your hair.

Can Hair Dye Not Work?

Yes, hair dye can expire! Although some reputable sources, such as L’Oreal, say that hair color doesn’t really “expire,” there are many external factors that can affect the quality of consistency of hair dye.

Like any other beauty product, hair dye can expire over time. However, it’s important to understand that hair dye doesn’t necessarily go bad after the expiration date passes

Instead, it may start to lose its effectiveness and potency – which, in my books, means that the product will not work as it should, and I would not risk myself trying an expired hair dye at all.

Hair dye can indeed expire over time due to oxidation, exposure to light and heat, and the ingredients in the product.

So, sadly, yes, hair dye cannot work. Beyond the product’s chemical components, there are other factors that might turn an “in theory fantastic hair dye” into a hair dye that does not work.

My recommendation is to check the product’s expiration date and ensure that its final date hasn’t arrived yet.

How to Know if Hair Dye Is Working: 3 Signs

So, how do you know if your hair dye is working? There are three clear signals that will tell you if your hair dye is working while you are applying it.

Remember to make an allergy test to know if you are allergic to hair dye before starting the dyeing process!

1. Take off Some Hair Dye From Your Hair Tips

This millenary trick works ALL the time – grab one of your hair tips, and remove a bit of hair dye with your fingers after having it on your head for at least 10 minutes.

If you see a color change between your old hair color and the hair dye color, then congratulations, you are about to rock a new hairstyle that everyone will love!

If not, then it means that the hair dye is not working as it should, and you must wait for 60 minutes more or start over.

2. Check the Sensation on Your Scalp

This applies to permanent hair dyes – I prefer semi-permanent ones, but you get my point! 

If you feel a slight tingling or warming sensation on your scalp, then the hair dye chemicals are penetrating it, which means that they are working.

Nevertheless, I’m talking about a “light” sensation – if you experience burning or discomfort, remove the hair dye immediately. 

3. Follow the Hair Dye Instructions

My mom always said that if you follow the instructions in life, you will have no problems to worry about, and this applies to hair dyes too!

If you are sure that you followed the instructions, then fear not – the hair dye will work.

Fantasy Recap: How to Tell if Hair Dye Is Working

Hair dye products often work as they should, but I get that you are worried – perhaps you think that others will not like your new hair color, but all that matters is what you feel in your heart.

At the end of the day, remember to bookmark these 3 tips that will always be there to tell you whether hair dye is working or not!


Will Hair Dye Work if Your Hair’s Wet?

As a general rule, hair dye should not be applied to wet hair as it can cause patchy and inconsistent coloring. Wet hair is more porous, and the dye may not adhere properly, leading to a less vibrant and shorter-lasting color. 

What Happens if You Don’t Use Hair Dye Immediately After Buying?

Nothing will happen if you don’t immediately apply your newly-purchased hair dye, but in case you decide to wait for 3 to 5 years to use it, then there’s a high chance for the color not to work properly in your hair.