How to Get Hair Dye Off Quartz Counter [5 Tips & Tricks]

how to get hair dye off quartz counter

Has it ever happened to you that you accidentally stain something while dyeing your hair? I’ve been there too.

Getting hair dye on a quartz counter is a headache for sure, but it can be solved if you know how to do it.

This guide will show you how to get hair dye off quartz counter by following my tips and secrets (that have worked in the past!)



Quick Answer

You can remove hair dye from a quartz counter by acting fast, using the right product (stain remover, Magic Eraser, baking soda and water, etc.), and properly cleaning the surface before the hair dye dries out.

Table of Contents

Can Hair Color Stain Quartz Countertops?

Yes, it can! I can confidently say that hair color can be quite stubborn when it comes to staining various surfaces. 

Quartz countertops are typically made from a combination of natural quartz stone and synthetic resins, which are highly resistant to staining and scratching. 

However, that doesn’t mean they are completely immune to the pigments found in hair dye. If left on the countertop for an extended period, hair dye can penetrate the surface and leave a stubborn stain.


Will Hair Dye Stain Quartz Countertops?

Well, not always – in my experience, cheap hair products are more prone to stain quartz countertops than high-quality products.

Besides, semi-permanent hair dyes will most likely not stain your quartz countertop, but permanent hair dye will. 

That being said, it’s always better to err on the side of caution when it comes to hair dye and quartz countertops. 

If you’re coloring your hair, make sure to take preventative measures such as covering the countertop with a protective material or wiping up any spills immediately. 

And if you do end up with a stain, don’t panic! There are plenty of products and methods available to remove stubborn hair dye stains from quartz surfaces, so let’s get to it.


How Do You Get Dye Out of Quartz Countertops?

I have a three-step process to quickly get rid of hair dye on countertops:

  1. Act Quickly: do not wait until the hair dye dries out – act as fast as you can!
  2. Use the Right Product: there are different products that can help you permanently remove hair dye stains from countertops.
  3. Start Cleaning Now: don’t leave for tomorrow what can be done today – as it happens when you remove hair dye from bed sheets, properly cleaning the surface will help you a lot.



how to remove hair dye from quartz countertop

How to Get Hair Dye off Quartz Counter: 5 Tips

In my experience, there are five different solutions that can help you get rid of hair dye on quartz countertops.

Try to use them progressively, or just use the one that better suits your needs – it’s up to you!

1. Use Baking Soda and Water

Creating a paste by mixing baking soda and water is the cheapest and most straightforward way to get rid of hair dye stains on quartz countertops. 

If you don’t have any other product at hand, then using this method can certainly save the day.

2. Use Hydrogen Peroxide and Ammonia

Mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, apply the solution to the stained area, and let it sit for 10-15 minutes before wiping it off with a clean, damp cloth. 

This method can be effective, but it’s important to wear gloves and work in a well-ventilated area.

3. Use Magic Eraser

Magic Eraser products work like magic! Wet a magic eraser and gently rub it on the stained area. This method can be effective for lighter stains, but it’s important not to scrub too hard, as magic erasers can be abrasive and may damage the quartz surface.

4. Use Acetone

Sometimes, using acetone can do the trick, but this method will not always work – it depends on how strong the hair dye stain is!

Soak a cotton ball in acetone and apply it to the stained area, being careful not to let it sit for too long. Rinse the area thoroughly with water afterward. 

This method can be effective but should only be used as a last resort, as acetone can be harsh and potentially damage the quartz surface.

5. Use Professional Stain Remover

In my opinion, the best thing you can do is to use a professional stain remover product, but I get that not everyone has these products at home.

These products are specially formulated to remove stains from quartz surfaces and can be found at most home improvement stores. 

Follow the instructions carefully and always test the product on a small, inconspicuous area of the countertop before using it on a larger stain.

No matter which method you choose, it’s important to act quickly and avoid letting hair dye stains sit on your quartz countertops for too long. 

Fantasy Recap: How to Get Hair Dye off Granite Counter

Getting hair dye off granite counters can be a tricky task, but with the right tools and methods, it’s definitely doable. 

In my experience as a hair dye expert, I once accidentally spilled pink hair dye on my mom’s granite countertop. After trying a few different methods, I found that rubbing baking soda and water did the trick.

Ultimately, the key to removing hair dye stains from granite counters is to act quickly and use the right method for the job. For more tips about hair dye, check all the articles that Fantasy Hair Lovers has for you!


What Happens if You Can’t Remove Hair Dye From Quartz Counter?

If you tried to remove hair dye from a quartz counter but failed, you could consider covering up the stain with a decorative item, such as a vase or a fruit bowl, or rearranging your kitchen or bathroom decor to draw attention away from the stain. You might also choose to embrace the stain as a unique and interesting part of your countertop’s story. 

Is Removing Hair Dye Chemicals From Indoor Quartz Possible?

Absolutely! Removing hair dye chemicals from indoor quartz is not only possible, but it can also be a satisfying and rewarding task. With effort and the right tools, you can restore your quartz surfaces to their original clean and pristine condition.