How to Get Dried Hair Dye Out of Carpet [5 DIY Tips & Tricks]

how to get dried hair dye out of carpet

Imagine this: You’ve just finished dyeing your hair, reveling in the stunning new color that reflects your style and personality. 

But as you step back to admire your handiwork, you notice a dreaded sight – hair dye stains on your once-pristine carpet. Panic sets in. How will you ever remove those stubborn marks?!

Worry not! This happened to me once, and I managed to solve it. Learn how to get dried hair dye out of carpet by reading further. 


Quick Answer

To remove dried hair dye stains from your carpet, try blotting the area with a damp cloth, using a carpet stain remover specifically designed for dye stains, or attempting a homemade solution like dish soap and water. If all else fails, consider seeking professional carpet cleaning services to ensure a thorough and effective removal.

Table of Contents

Can You Get Dried Dye Out of Carpet?

Ah, the dreaded hair dye stain on the carpet. Now, let me assure you that there are ways to tackle this issue and salvage your carpet. While it may require some effort, it is indeed possible to remove dried hair dye from the carpet. 

It may take you a while, as this isn’t the same as removing hair dye from bed sheets, but the solutions are frankly similar.


What Gets Hair Dye Out of Carpet?

There are various approaches you can take to tackle the challenge and potentially restore your carpet’s pristine condition.

One option is to try a mixture of dish soap and warm water, which can help break down the dye and lift it from the carpet fibers. Another alternative is using white vinegar, which can act as a natural stain remover. Additionally, baking soda has absorbent properties that may help draw out the dye, while hydrogen peroxide can be effective at lightening and removing stubborn stains.

However, it’s important to proceed with caution and consider the type of carpet you have. Some cleaning solutions may work well on certain carpets but could potentially cause discoloration or damage to others. 

The outcome of your stain removal efforts may vary depending on factors such as the type of dye used, the length of time the stain has been set, and the specific carpet material. At least it’s easier than getting hair dye off quartz counter!


Getting Dried Hair Dye Out of Carpet: My Experience

Oh, let me tell you a tale of my own hair dye mishap and the adventure that ensued! Picture this: I was feeling adventurous and decided to embark on a hair-dyeing journey with Arctic Fox, a vibrant and captivating brand known for its stunning colors. Little did I know that this adventure would take an unexpected turn.

As I carefully applied the Arctic Fox dye to my hair, excitement filled the air. However, in the midst of my creative frenzy, a small drop of the dye managed to escape my careful application and found its way to the carpet below. Panic struck as I realized the potential disaster I had created—a vivid, telltale stain staring back at me.

But I was not one to be defeated easily. I sprung into action, determined to rescue my beloved carpet from the clutches of the rebellious dye.

First, I reached for a mixture of dish soap and warm water, hoping it would work its magic. With gentle dabbing and a touch of persistence, the stain began to fade, but remnants remained. Undeterred, I turned to white vinegar, which I knew had excellent stain removal properties. 

Sprinkling it over the stained area, I allowed it to work its wonders, drawing out the last traces of the rebellious hair dye. And just when I thought I had reached the end of my journey, I decided to employ the brightening power of its cleansing properties, hoping to erase any remaining shadows of the stain.

With each step, the carpet showed signs of rejuvenation. As I stood back, admiring my carpet’s restored beauty, a sense of satisfaction washed over me. The battle was won, and the carpet was once again a testament to my hair dye expertise.

But this story serves as a reminder that prevention is the best course of action! Remember that it’s always better to be safe than sorry.


How to Get Dried Hair Dye Out of Carpet_ 5 Solutions



3 Tips for Dealing With Dried Hair Dye on Carpets

Before getting started, make sure to check out these tips for dealing with annoying hair dye stains on carpets:

  1. Act Quickly and Blot the Stain: Act quickly to prevent the dye from setting in permanently. Grab a clean, white cloth or paper towel and gently blot the stain. Blotting helps to absorb as much of the dye as possible without spreading it further into the carpet fibers. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing, as this can push the dye deeper into the carpet and make the stain more difficult to remove.
  2. Avoid Rubbing or Scrubbing: While it may be tempting to vigorously scrub or rub the hair dye stain in an attempt to remove it, this can actually make the situation worse. Rubbing or scrubbing can spread the dye and cause it to penetrate deeper into the carpet fibers.
  3. Test Cleaning Solutions Before Application: Before applying any cleaning solutions to the hair dye stain, it’s crucial to perform a patch test. Choose an inconspicuous area of the carpet and apply a small amount of the cleaning solution. Allow it to sit for a few minutes, then blot it with a clean cloth. Testing helps to ensure that the cleaning solution is compatible with your carpet and won’t cause further damage or discoloration.



How to Get Dried Hair Dye Out of Carpet: 5 Solutions

Finding the ideal solution to getting dried hair dye out of your carpet is hard because there are too many factors to consider: type of hair dye, duration of the stain, type of carpet, and more.

However, these are the best 5 solutions to get dried hair dye out of carpet easily.


1. Blot With a Damp Cloth

One of the first steps in tackling a hair dye stain on your carpet is to act quickly and blot the area with a damp cloth. This method aims to absorb as much of the dye as possible before it sets deeper into the carpet fibers. 

By gently pressing and lifting with the damp cloth, you can prevent the dye from spreading further. Remember to work from the outer edges of the stain towards the center to avoid spreading the dye to unaffected areas.


2. Use a Carpet Stain Remover

Carpet stain removers are specifically formulated to combat tough stains, including hair dye. These products contain powerful ingredients that target the dye molecules and break them down, making them easier to remove from the carpet fibers. 

Apply the solution to a clean cloth and gently dab the stained area. Allow the stain remover to penetrate the stain for the recommended time, giving it enough time to work its magic. Then, blot the area with a clean cloth to lift the dissolved dye particles. Repeat the process if necessary until the stain is diminished.

The carpet remover I use is FOLEX Instant Carpet Spot Remover – it’s cheap and very, very, efficient.

If you have the time and money to purchase this item, do it with your eyes closed.

3. Try a Homemade Solution

If you prefer a more natural approach, there are homemade solutions that can help combat hair dye stains on your carpet. One option is to create a mixture of dish soap and warm water. Dish soap acts as a gentle cleanser and can help break down the dye. 

Mix a few drops of dish soap with warm water to create a soapy solution. Dampen a clean cloth with the mixture and blot the stain gently. The soapy solution will help lift the dye from the carpet fibers. 

Rinse the area with water and blot again to remove any residue. Another homemade solution involves using a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water. Hydrogen peroxide has bleaching properties that can be effective in removing dye stains. Create a solution by mixing equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water. 

Apply the solution to a cloth and blot the stain, allowing the peroxide to break down the dye. Rinse the area with water and blot dry with a clean cloth.


4. Use Vinegar and Baking Soda Paste

Vinegar and baking soda are common household ingredients that can be combined to create a powerful cleaning paste, and they were my magic solution for this problem! 

To utilize this method, start by sprinkling baking soda generously over the hair dye stain on the carpet. Then, mix equal parts white vinegar and water to create a paste. 

Apply the paste to the stained area, ensuring it covers the entire dye spot. Allow the paste to sit for a few hours, preferably overnight, so it can penetrate the stain and break it down. The vinegar helps to loosen the dye, while the baking soda acts as a gentle abrasive to lift the stain. 

After the paste has had sufficient time to work, use a damp cloth to blot away the paste. Rinse the area with water and continue blotting until the stain is removed. Finally, allow the carpet to air dry.


5. Consider Professional Carpet Cleaning

If the hair dye stain on your carpet proves to be stubborn and difficult to remove, or if you’re concerned about causing damage to the carpet fibers, it may be wise to seek the assistance of professional carpet cleaners. 

Professional cleaners have access to specialized equipment and cleaning solutions that can effectively tackle tough stains like hair dye. They have the expertise to assess the type of carpet and the severity of the stain, allowing them to employ the most suitable cleaning methods. 

While this option definitely comes with a cost, it can be a worthwhile investment, especially if other methods have proven unsuccessful or if you want to ensure the best possible outcome for your carpet.


Fantasy Recap: How to Get Rid of Dried Hair Dye on Carpet

Banishing those stubborn hair dye stains from your carpet is within reach! With the right techniques and a touch of persistence, you can wave goodbye to those unsightly marks. Remember to act swiftly, using a gentle touch to blot away the stain.

Explore various options, from commercial carpet stain removers to homemade solutions like vinegar and baking soda paste

And if all else fails, don’t hesitate to call in the professionals for a deep and thorough carpet cleaning. For more useful hair dye tips, check out all Fantasy Hair Lovers blog posts!



Does Baking Soda Get Hair Dye Out of Carpet?

Baking soda can help remove hair dye stains from carpet by gently scrubbing away the dye without damaging the fibers. Create a paste with water, apply it to the stained area, let it sit, and then blot it away to lift the dye from the carpet.

Does Vinegar Remove Hair Dye Stains?

Vinegar’s acidic properties can break down hair dye stains on carpet. Create a mixture of vinegar and water, blot the stained area with the solution, and gradually lift the dye stain from the carpet. Remember to test vinegar on a small area of the carpet first to ensure compatibility.