How to Do a Patch Test for Hair Dye [At Home 2023 Guide]

how to do a patch test for hair dye

Heads up: before this guide starts, I want to tell you that I made a video on TikTok about How to Do a Hair Dye Patch Test that perfectly summarizes this guide! Go and check it out :). 

One of the things I dislike the most about hair dye products is the fact that most of them contain harsh chemicals that can lead to hair dye allergy.

In my case, I’m extremely lucky to have never encountered a hair product that causes allergies in my – phew!

However, I understand the importance of patch tests for hair dyes, and I think this is someone that everyone must do before rocking a new hair color.

So, today, I’m going to guide you through my personal journey to teach you how to do a patch test for hair dye at home.



Quick Answer

You can do a patch test for hair dye at home by using a cotton swab to grab a little bit of hair dye product, apply it behind your ear or your elbow, and wait 24 hours for allergy reactions.

Table of Contents

What Is a Hair Dye Patch Test?

For starters, a patch test is a crucial step in ensuring that your hair dye experience is a success. It’s like a mini-preview of what’s to come, and it involves applying a small amount of the hair dye product to a discrete area of your skin, usually behind the ear or on the inner elbow.

The purpose of this test is to check for any adverse reactions or allergies that you may have to the hair dye’s ingredients. Hair dye reactions are no good and can do you serious harm if you ignore them.

Think of it as a trial run before the main event – your full hair dye application.

Overall, a patch test is a small step that can make a big difference in ensuring that your hair dye experience is safe, successful, and beautiful.


How Does a Hair Dye Patch Test Work?

The hair dye patch test works by exposing a small area of your skin to the hair dye product’s ingredients. 

The skin on this area will react to the hair dye, and any adverse reaction will be visible on the surface.

Hair dyes contain a combination of ingredients, including ammonia (learn how to check if your hair dye has ammonia here), peroxide, and various chemicals that can cause skin irritation or an allergic reaction. When a small amount of hair dye is applied to the skin, the ingredients penetrate the outer layer of the skin and come in contact with the underlying immune cells.

If you are allergic or sensitive to any of the hair dye’s ingredients, the immune cells will recognize them as foreign and initiate an immune response.

The patch test allows you to identify any potential adverse reactions before applying the hair dye to your hair, which can prevent serious skin reactions, such as hives or dermatitis. Of course, you must do a safe hair dye patch test in certain parts of the body – avoid hair dye in eyes at all costs!


When Do I Need a Patch Test for Hair Dye?

So, does everyone need a patch test? In my opinion (and in my ten years of experience), there are three scenarios when you need a patch test for hair dye:

  1. You Are Dyeing Your Hair for the First Time: if you are a newcomer to the fantasy hair world, welcome! You need to do a patch test yes or yes.
  2. You Are Using a New Hair Dye Product: I always do a patch test whenever I’m testing a new hair dye product, even though I know for a fact that I’m not allergic to hair products whatsoever.
  3. You Have A History of Hair Dye Allergies: if you are allergic to some hair products, then you must ensure the safety of the process by performing a patch test prior to dyeing your hair.


Where Do You Do a Patch Test for Hair Dye?

There are two places where you can do a patch test for hair dye:

  1. Your inner elbow.
  2. And behind your ear. 

Other than that, I don’t recommend anyone to perform a patch test in any other place of the body. 


How to Do a Patch Test With Hair Dye at Home: 3 Steps with Images!

I recently dyed my hair with a product I had never tried before, and of course, I made a patch test!

This is my step-by-step process to do a patch test for hair dye at home – it consists of just 3 steps, so let’s get to it.



Step 1: Gather the Materials to Do a Hair Dye Patch Test

In order to do a patch test for hair dye, you need three things:

  • The hair product that you will test.
  • A cotton swab or gloves.
  • A timer to track the hours.

For practical purposes, I will make this patch test in both my elbow and behind the ear, but you can pick just one spot.

Clean the skin where you are going to apply the hair dye, and proceed with the next step.


doing a hair dye patch test



Step 2: Apply the Hair Dye Product Behind Your Ear or Your Inner Elbow

Use the cotton swab to grab a little bit of the hair dye you plan to use. It is highly important not to come in direct contact with the hair dye – you don’t know what the potential reaction will be.

Then, apply the product behind your ear or your inner elbow – it is up to you.


applying hair dye on elbow for patch test



Step 3: Wait for Patch Test Reactions

Leave the hair dye product on your skin for 24 to 48 hours. If you are in a hurry, you might leave it for 12 hours, but I recommend that you complete a full day before removing it.

After the hours pass, check for any reactions on your skin. If you notice that your skin is itching and feels weird, then you are allergic to that hair dye product, and you SHOULD NOT use it.

If your skin is normal and there is no pain whatsoever, congratulations, you are good to go! That’s how you do a patch test at home in three easy steps.



applying hair dye behind ear for patch test



Can You Wash Your Hair for a Patch Test?

Yes, you can wash your hair prior to doing a patch test. After all, keep in mind that the hair dye sample will be on your skin for 24 hours, so you must avoid wetting it.

Therefore, it’s totally okay to wash your hair BEFORE you do the patch test – there’s no problem at all if you do it.


How Long Do You Leave a Patch Test on for Hair Dye?

During the patch test, you’ll leave the hair dye product on your skin for a designated amount of time, typically 24-48 hours, and monitor the area for any signs of redness, itching, or irritation.

This way, you’ll know for sure if you’re safe to proceed with the hair dye application or if you need to consider a different product or method.

Keep in mind that the amount of hours truly matters – the reactions will not be the same if you leave the hair dye product on your skin only for a couple of hours!


Fantasy Recap: How to Do a Hair Dye Patch Test at Home

Doing a patch test at home for hair dye is a really easy process that everyone must perform before dyeing their hair.

If you want to rock a new fabulous look on your hair, you must first prioritize your safety, and this means that you must prevent any possible hair dye allergy.

I hope that this guide has helped you! Get more fantasy hair guides here, at Fantasy Hair Lovers.



Is Skin Allergy Test for Hair Dye Necessary?

I firmly believe it is, mostly if you are using a new hair dye product or if you have never dyed your hair before. The chemicals in hair dye can be dangerous if you are allergic to them, so it is better to be safe than sorry. 

What Happens if You Don’t Do a Patch Test for Hair Dye?

If you don’t do a patch test for hair dye, you are more prone to suffer from hair dye allergy reactions – it’s all about safety.