How to Soothe Scalp After Hair Dye [Itchy, Burnt, or Irritated Scalp]

how to soothe scalp after hair dye

Have you ever dyed your hair, and then you feel like your scalp is on fire? Although I’m not a fan of permanent hair dyes, I know this is a thing that happens pretty often and that it should not happen.

Don’t get me wrong – feeling a little itchy sensation on your scalp is one of the best ways to tell if hair dye is working.

However, getting hair dye burns on your scalp is not normal at all, and it’s an issue that must be immediately addressed.

So, let’s learn how to soothe scalp after hair dye together.



Quick Answer

You can soothe your scalp after hair dye by determining if your scalp is just itchy, irritated, or burnt; after identifying the current status of your scalp, you might just use water, aloe vera, cold compresses, or go to the doctor if the burnt is too heavy.

Table of Contents

Is It Normal for Scalp to Feel Itchy After Hair Color?

In a way, it is normal for your scalp to feel a little itchy after coloring your hair, but it should be, as I said, a little itchy and not a big one.

Chemicals in hair dye create a reaction that affects your scalp, but this doesn’t mean that unbearable itchiness should appear on your hair.

So, although itchiness on your scalp is somewhat normal when dyeing your hair, irritation, and pain are two things that you must watch out for.


Why Does My Scalp Hurt After Dying Hair?

Oh, the dreaded post-hair dye scalp pain – I feel your discomfort! There are several reasons why your scalp hurts or itches after dying your hair.

Firstly, the chemicals in the hair dye can cause a mild chemical burn on your scalp. This can result in redness, inflammation, and tenderness, which can last for a few days after coloring. 

Secondly, the physical act of coloring your hair can also cause scalp pain, particularly if you’ve had your hair pulled tightly or if the dye was left on for too long.

But fear not, my friend – there are ways to alleviate the pain and ensure your scalp stays healthy after dyeing your hair. If you are allergic to hair dye, you will be more prone to suffering from an irritated scalp, and it is something that you need to check prior to dyeing your hair to ensure a healthy process.


Should My Scalp Be Burning After Dying Hair?

Well, it’s not uncommon to feel a little itchiness on your scalp while dyeing your hair, but let me tell you that your scalp SHOULD NOT be burning.

As I mentioned above, the dyeing process contains chemicals that will naturally make you feel something when dying your hair.

However, a burning sensation is not good or normal at all, and you must take action immediately.



treat irritated scalp from hair dye

How to Soothe Scalp After Hair Dye: 3 Scenarios

There are three different scenarios that can make you feel pain or itchiness on your scalp after or during dyeing your hair.

Depending on the scenario, there are different ways to soothe the scalp after hair dye, so let’s get to it.

1. How to Treat Itchy Scalp After Hair Dye

First, let’s talk about the most common scenario: an itchy scalp. An itchy scalp is not something to lose your head over.

It is normal, and it will probably go away by itself. However, if you can’t bear the itchiness, then do the following:

  1. Rinse your hair with cool water: this will remove excess dye and chemicals from your scalp, which will help you a lot.
  2. Apply a soothing scalp treatment: there are several serum or oil products that can help you treat an itchy scalp after dying your hair.
  3. Avoid heat styling: it’s necessary to avoid curling irons or blow dryers while your scalp itches – wait for the itchiness to go away before using heat styling tools!

2. How to Treat Scalp Irritation From Hair Dye

If your scalp is already irritated from hair dye, it means that there was an allergic reaction that should be immediately treated. Here are some tips in case this happens to you:

  1. Use a soothing scalp treatment: soothing scalp treatment will work like magic in this case, so don’t sleep on them.
  2. Use a gentle shampoo: wait for a while before using standard shampoos – sulfate-free products are the best ones in this case.
  3. Apply cold water: cold water can help you heal irritation caused by the chemicals in hair dye, but use it in moderation.

3. How to Treat Burned Scalp From Hair Dye

Burned scalp from hair dye is a serious issue that should be immediately addressed. If you feel that your scalp is not itchy or irritated but burned, then do the following:

  1. Apply a cold compress: this will help you reduce the inflammation and handle the pain for a while – apply the compress only for 10 minutes top.
  2. Use aloe vera gel: Aloe Vera is amazing – it can help you soothe and heal burns naturally! Use a generous amount of your scalp and leave it there for at least 45 minutes.
  3. Go to the doctor: chemical burns are very, very serious. If you feel that you can’t withstand the pain of the burn, go to the doctor immediately!

How to Prevent Damaged Scalp From Hair Dye

It’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to burns from hair dye

So, you need to take preventative measures to avoid this from happening in the future. My favorite tips, in this case, are the following:

  • Choose a High-Quality hair dye product: cheap hair dyes are not created with the same materials as high-quality hair dyes – always prioritize high-quality products that won’t cause damage to your scalp.
  • Keep your hair hydrated: hydrating your hair will help you form a protective barrier on your scalp, which will make it less prone to burns. 
  • Do a patch test: I am the number one fan of patch tests for hair dye! Let’s go to the next section so you can learn more.

My Magic Solution: Do a Patch Test for Hair Dye!

I have never suffered from hair dye allergies, but I ALWAYS do a patch test before using a new product – check out this YouTube video where I show you how to do a patch test for hair dye myself!

Either way, let me tell you my story. One day, my sister Maria came to me with an unusual problem. She had tried to dye her hair purple, but her scalp had been irritated in the process. I was shocked to hear this, as I had never seen such a severe reaction before.

After checking Maria’s scalp, I realized that the hair dye she had used was too strong for her sensitive skin. From that day on, I promised to always do a patch test for hair dye before applying any new product to my head.

Hair dyeing may be a glamorous industry, but it’s important to never forget the importance of safety and precaution.

Fantasy Recap: How Can I Calm My Hair Dye Allergy at Home?

Dealing with an irritated, burnt or itchy scalp from hair dye can be a frustrating and uncomfortable experience. 

However, with the right home remedies and precautions, it’s possible to calm the symptoms and help your skin heal. Remember to always do a patch test before using any hair dye products! For more interesting hair dye-related guides, Fantasy Hair Lovers is where you need to go.


How Long Does Scalp Irritation From Hair Dye Last?

Small scalp irritation from hair dye typically doesn’t last for too long. In most cases, the irritation will subside within a few days to a week. While it can be tempting to try to speed up the healing process by using more hair dye or harsh treatments, this can actually make the problem worse. Instead, it’s important to give your scalp time to recover on its own.