How to Protect Dyed Hair From Saltwater [3 Tricks in 2023]

how to protect dyed hair from saltwater

I love going to the beach! I am a mountain girl, to be honest – I find peace and comfort in the cold temperatures of the mountains.

However, we all enjoy a beach trip once in a while. The problem is that I dye my hair with semi-permanent products, and saltwater really damages it.

Luckily, I have learned how to handle it. This guide shows you how to protect dyed hair from saltwater so you can have a great experience while swimming on the beach!



Quick Answer

You can protect your dyed hair from saltwater by applying hair oil or conditioner before swimming, immediately washing your hair after swimming on the beach, or using a swim cap (boring, but useful!).

Table of Contents

Does Salt Water Affect Hair Dye?

Yes, saltwater can affect hair dye to some extent. When your hair comes into contact with saltwater, the salt can cause the hair cuticles to open up, which can make the hair more porous. 

This increased porosity can cause hair dye to fade more quickly, especially if the hair dye is not properly rinsed out after application.

However, the extent to which saltwater affects hair dye can vary depending on a few factors, such as the type of dye, the strength of the saltwater, and the condition of your hair. 

For example, if you have healthy, well-moisturized hair and you rinse your hair thoroughly after swimming in saltwater, the effects on your hair dye may be minimal.

Nevertheless, if you have dry, damaged hair and spend a lot of time in the ocean or in saltwater pools, the saltwater can cause your hair dye to fade more quickly.


Is Saltwater Bad for Colored Hair?

Yes, let me tell you that it is bad! In my case, I knew the potential risks of taking a dip in the salty ocean water with my freshly dyed pink hair. But I couldn’t resist the call of the waves and the feeling of the sun on my skin.

As I waded deeper into the water, I could feel the saltwater lapping against my hair. It felt refreshing and invigorating, but as I emerged from the water and shook the excess water from my hair, I couldn’t help but notice that my once vibrant pink locks had faded slightly.

I felt a pang of disappointment, but I reminded myself that it was just a minor setback – I later learned how to protect my dyed hair from saltwater, and it works like magic!


What Does Saltwater Do to Dyed Hair?

Among the main consequences of saltwater in dyed hair, these are the five more common:

  1. Saltwater can make hair more porous, which can cause hair dye to fade more quickly.
  2. If hair dye isn’t properly rinsed out after application, salt water can cause the remaining dye to run and stain clothing or towels.
  3. saltwater can cause hair to become dry and brittle, which can make it more prone to breakage and damage.
  4. The salt in the water can also strip hair of its natural oils and moisture, leading to a dull appearance.
  5. Saltwater can cause hair to become tangled and difficult to manage, especially for those with longer hair.


how to protect dyed hair from the beach

How to Protect Dyed Hair From Saltwater While Swimming on the Beach

When it comes to protecting your hair from saltwater, there are three crucial tips that you must follow.

In general, I’d say that preventing dyed hair damage is way better than facing the issue after it happens – in this case, it is way better to be safe than sorry!

Tip #1: Apply a Leave-in Conditioner or Hair Oil Before Heading to the Beach

The most useful tip that I have found to protect your hair from saltwater is to apply a leave-in conditioner or hair oil before swimming on the beach.

There are numerous products that help you reduce the amount of saltwater absorbed by your hair. Oils can also create a protective barrier that prevents saltwater from damaging your hair.

I’ll come back to this article to give you a list of the best products I use when I go swimming to protect my pink hair successfully!

Tip #2: Rinse and Condition Your Hair After Swimming

Immediately after swimming on the beach, rinse your hair with clean water and deep condition it.

This will replenish the lost moisture due to exposure to saltwater, and will help the color to maintain and not shade that easily.

If you fail to wash your hair after swimming on the beach, the results might be catastrophic!

Tip #3: Limit Your Time in the Water and Wear and Swim Cap

I know this tip is not fun at all, but it works! Wearing a swim cap might ruin your Instagram photos, but it can greatly protect your hair from the salt.

Likewise, instead of swimming for 3 hours, reduce this swim time to just 1 hour – there are other fun things to do at the beach other than swimming!

Fantasy Recap: How to Protect Coloured Hair From Sea Water

Protecting your hair dye from saltwater while enjoying a day at the beach is crucial to maintain your hair’s vibrancy and health

By following these tips and taking a few extra precautions, you can enjoy your beach day without worrying about damaging your hair. 

Remember to always prioritize your hair’s well-being, and don’t be afraid to try out new hairstyles and colors to express yourself and stand out on the beach! Check out other great hair dye guides made by experts (what’s the legal age to dye your hair in USA?) here, at Fantasy Hair Lovers!


Can I Swim in Saltwater After Dying My Hair?

You can swim in saltwater after dying your hair only if a couple of days have passed. If you go to the beach immediately after dying your hair, it will completely fade out!

Is It Okay to Swim in a Pool With Dyed Hair?

Absolutely! With proper care and precautions, you can swim in a pool with dyed hair. Just make sure to wet your hair with clean, fresh water before entering the pool, wear a swim cap, and rinse your hair with clean water after swimming.