How to Get Manic Panic Out of Hair [3 Tips to Remove It]

how to get Manic Panic out of hair

Semi-permanent hair dyes are awesome – you can rock different colors every month thanks to their formulas!

If you are eager to get Manic Panic Products out of your hair, then worry not and wait for a few weeks.

However, if you want to remove Manic Panic NOW, there are a few things that you can do.

This guide shows you how to get Manic Panic out of hair with 3 different methods.

Quick Answer

You can get Manic Panic out of your hair by washing your hair twice a week, using anti-dandruff shampoo, applying Manic Panic Ready to Dye Shampoo, or using the vitamin C method. Alternatively, you can also use bleacher or color remover to remove it really fast. 

Table of Contents

Does Manic Panic Wash Out Completely by Itself?

Well, Manic Panic will not magically fade out, but if you wash your hair every week, then the hair dye will go away if you wait from 3 to 4 weeks for light colors, and between 4 and 7 weeks for darker colors.

In my experience (and you can check it in my Manic Panic Cotton Candy Review), Manic Panic is one of the easiest-to-remove hair dyes on the market. 

Of course, it depends on the color you choose. For instance, I made a guide about how to make Manic Panic last longer, and there, I mentioned five Manic Panic colors that will probably not fade out that easily. 


Should I Remove Manic Panic Out of My Hair?

That depends on what you’re in the mood for! If you’re loving your Manic Panic color and want to keep rocking it, then there’s no need to remove it. After all, Manic Panic is designed to fade gradually over time, so you can enjoy your color for as long as it lasts.

On the other hand, if you’re ready for a change, or if you need to switch up your look for a job or event, then it may be time to remove the Manic Panic from your hair. But don’t worry, removing Manic Panic isn’t as scary as it sounds!


Can I Remove Manic Panic With Bleach?

Well, the short answer is yes, but the long answer is… it’s complicated.

Bleaching your hair is certainly one way to remove Manic Panic, as it can help strip the color from your strands. However, it’s important to note that bleach can be damaging to your hair, and it should be used with caution.

If you’re feeling brave and decide to bleach your hair to remove Manic Panic, be sure to follow the instructions carefully and take extra care to keep your hair healthy and moisturized. After all, healthy hair is happy hair!

I often use bleach to remove hair dye, and although I know this is not the safest practice around, it has worked for me several times because I know what I’m doing. 



How to Get Manic Panic Out of Hair


How to Get Manic Panic Out of Hair 

I have removed Manic Panic from my hair countless times, and I always do it very, very easily.

Removing Manic Panic from your hair is not rocket science, so check out these three methods I followed so you learn how to do it. 


Method #1: Wash Your Hair With Anti Dandruff Shampoo

I started by washing my hair with an anti-dandruff shampoo, as I know this is one of the best methods to strip the color from your hair. The anti-dandruff shampoo I use is RECAMIER 34127 Professional Salon In.

I lathered up my hair with the shampoo and left it on for about 10 minutes before rinsing it out. After just one wash, I noticed that the color had faded quite a bit. Of course, it didn’t remove all the colors completely, but it was a good start.


Method #2: Try Vitamin C and Let It Fade Out

Next, I decided to try the Vitamin C method, which involves crushing up Vitamin C tablets and mixing them with shampoo to create a paste. I applied the paste to my hair and left it on for about 30 minutes before rinsing it out.

While this method did help to fade the color a bit more, I didn’t notice as much of a difference as I did with the anti-dandruff shampoo. However, I’ve heard that this method can work really well for some people, so it’s worth giving it a try!


Method #3: Use Manic Panic “Prepare to Dye” Clarifying Shampoo

Finally, I decided to try the Manic Panic Prepare to Dye Clarifying Shampoo, which is specifically designed to help remove Manic Panic color from your hair. I applied the shampoo to my damp hair and left it on for about 20 minutes before rinsing it out.

To my surprise, this method actually worked the best out of the three! After just one use, my hair was noticeably lighter, and the color was much more faded. Plus, the shampoo left my hair feeling super clean and refreshed.


What Is the Fastest Way to Remove Manic Panic Hair Dye?

The fastest way to remove Manic Panic is not the safest one. If you value your hair’s health over everything, then the best thing you can do is to patiently wait for the hair color to go by itself.

Otherwise, these are the three fastest ways to remove Manic Panic hair dye:

  1. Using bleacher or color remover: using bleach or color remover is the fastest way to remove Manic Panic hair dye, but only do so if you know what you are doing. Otherwise, the results can be catastrophic!
  2. Washing your hair pretty often: In my case, just washing my hair is enough to remove Manic Panic from my hair.
  3. Use clarifying shampoo: clarifying shampoo, whether you decide to buy Manic Panic’s Shampoo or not, is also a really fast way to get Manic Panic out of hair gradually but steadily. 

Fantasy Recap: How to Remove Manic Panic Hair Dye

And there you have it! Removing Manic Panic hair dye may seem like a daunting task, but with the right techniques and a little bit of patience, it can be done. Whether you opt for bleach or color remover, wash your hair frequently, or use a clarifying shampoo, there are plenty of methods to try.

Just remember to take extra care of your hair throughout the process, and don’t forget to have fun with it! Experimenting with hair dye is all about expressing yourself and trying new things. So, don’t be afraid to get creative and see what works best for you.

And who knows – maybe removing the Manic Panic color from your hair will inspire you to try out a brand-new shade. 



Does Removing Manic Panic Damage Hair?

It depends! Removing Manic Panic hair dye using bleach or color removers can potentially damage your hair, but if done correctly and with proper care, the risk can be minimized. It’s important to follow instructions carefully and keep your hair healthy and moisturized throughout the process.