How Dirty Can Your Hair Be to Dye It? [Dirty Hair Scale 2023]

how dirty can your hair be to dye it

It’s time to dye your hair and delight the world with a new color that no one is expecting!

But can you dye your hair while it’s dirty? Or do you need to wash it thoroughly before dyeing it?

Well, let me tell you that the answer is not black and white, but I have found the perfect way to explain it. Let’s learn how dirty can your hair be to dye it right now!



Quick Answer

On a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is “Super Clean Hair,” and 10 is “Extremely Dirty Hair,” your hair should be “6” before you dye it. Continue reading to get further explanations about how dirty your hair can be before dyeing it.

Table of Contents

Can You Dye Your Hair When It’s Dirty?

First, let’s clarify something. According to L’Oreal and other sources, most hair dye products are “designed to work on hair that it’s not freshly washed.”

But why? Well, when oil develops on your scalp, it protects it from hair dye chemicals. This means that having dirty hair is actually recommended in order to properly dye your hair without problems.

In the box of the hair dye product, you will find the hair dye number, and the instructions to apply the product. Most times, these instructions show you how dirty your hair can be before dyeing it.

Is It Better to Dye Dirty Hair?

The answer is: it depends! If we’re talking about a little bit of oil or product buildup, then you should be fine. In fact, as I mentioned before, dyeing your hair when it’s slightly dirty can actually help protect your scalp from the harsh chemicals found in most dyes. 

However, if your hair is really dirty, then dyeing your hair in that condition could lead to uneven coloring, poor absorption, or even damage to your hair or scalp.

Furthermore, the type of dye you’re using also matters. Some types of hair color work better on clean, dry hair, while others are designed specifically for use on damp or even wet hair. So be sure to read the instructions on your particular dye product carefully before proceeding.

Is It Ok to Have Dirty Hair Before Coloring?

Overall, yes, it’s okay to have dirty hair before coloring, but it shouldn’t be that dirty nor that clean.

I know it’s confusing, but it’s a factor that you can only master with practice. Worry not – keep on reading to learn how dirty your hair can really be before you dye it.

How Dirty Can Your Hair Be to Dye It: The Answer

In my ten years of experience dying hair in pink, red, green, blue, purple, silver, and golden colors, I have come to the following conclusion: your hair needs to be a little more dirty than normal in order to protect your scalp and achieve a great color.

I have elaborated this scale of dirty hair, where 1 is “Totally Clean Hair,” and 10 is “Extremely Dirty Hair:”

1: Ah, a perfect 1, “Totally clean hair.” It’s like a fresh breeze blowing through your tresses, and every strand is gleaming with cleanliness. You could eat off this hair, but please don’t.

2: A 2 is still pretty pristine, but maybe there’s a hint of oil or product buildup. You can still feel pretty good about your hair and confidently walk out the door.

3: Moving up the scale, we have a 3. This hair is still relatively clean but might have a bit of a dull appearance. You might feel like your hair needs a wash, but it’s not yet a pressing matter.

4: A 4 is getting to that point where you’re not quite sure if it’s dirty or not. It might have a slight odor or feel a bit greasy to the touch. It’s not ideal, but it’s not the end of the world.

5: A 5, the middle point of the scale. This hair is “Not so dirty, not so clean,” and it’s up to personal preference whether or not to wash it. It might have a bit of a frizz or flyaway issue, but nothing too drastic.

6: Now we’re getting into the dirty hair territory. A 6 means your hair is starting to look a bit flat and lifeless, and you definitely feel like it needs a wash – THIS IS THE PERFECT DIRTY LEVEL TO DYE YOUR HAIR!

7: A 7 is dirty hair, no question about it. It’s greasy, it’s limp, and it’s not a good look. You’re probably feeling self-conscious about your hair, and it’s time to give it a good scrub.

8: An 8 is really dirty hair. It might have an unpleasant odor, and you’re definitely feeling embarrassed about the state of your locks. You might need to break out some dry shampoo or a hat to cover it up until you can get it clean. Do not dye your hair if it is this dirty (or above).

9: At a 9, your hair is seriously dirty. It might have visible dirt or debris in it, and you’re probably feeling pretty gross. It’s time to prioritize a good wash, no matter what else is on your schedule.

10: And finally, a 10 is really, really dirty hair. We’re talking mud, grime, or other substances in your hair that should not be there. You’re probably feeling like you need to wear a hazmat suit to deal with it. It’s an emergency situation, and you need to get it taken care of ASAP.

So, based on this scale, this is how dirty your hair can be to dye it:


How Dirty Can Your Hair Be To Dye It Scale


So, Can I Dye My Hair Even If It’s Dirty?

Yes, you can dye your hair even if it’s dirty, but as you can see, on a scale from 1 to 10, it should be “6” as dirty.

If your hair is way too dirty (8 or above), the color will not come out as good as you imagine.

If your hair is way too clean, then the chemicals on the hair dye products might damage your scalp.


Fantasy Recap: How Dirty Can Your Hair Be to Color It?

Well, it’s clear that your hair should be dirty before you dye it, but at a certain level only! This doesn’t mean that if your hair is clean, the hair dye won’t work – that’s not what I mean here.

However, if you really want to achieve a truly magnificent color, then follow the Dirty Hair Scale before you proceed. Don’t let a little bit of dirt hold you back. 

Embrace the chaos and the excitement of trying something new, and remember that there’s always a solution if you’re in doubt. Whether it’s a professional colorist or a trusty dry shampoo, there’s no need to fear the dirty hair dilemma.



Is It Bad to Dye Your Hair if It’s Dirty?

Dyeing your hair if it’s dirty is not bad as long as your hair is not EXTREMELY dirty – in fact, if your hair is mildly dirty, then dying it might be beneficial.

Can I Dye My Hair if I Haven’t Washed It in 2 Days?

Totally! I have dyed my hair without washing it for 4 days! But then again, it depends on how oily and greasy it is.